
At the end of each term, we organise concerts for our students to play at. This is an opportunity to play a piece that has been learnt throughout the semester and also listen to other students playing.

Concerts give students the chance to have a go at performing in front of a small audience. They also give students something to aim for in their practicing. In the last few weeks of each term, students decide in their lesson time which piece would be suitable for the concert and then this piece is finished and polished for the performance. We also ask students to bring a plate for small refreshments after the concert.

Concert - JPEG 12kAt the concert at the end fo the last term - "Christmas concert" - we encourage students to play with someone - brother or sister, parent or school-mate.

These concerts become small social events, give parents and students the chance to meet other students and are the highlight of each term in every sense of the word.